Helotes Elementary School Library

Originally Helotes School was part of a rural school district dating back as far as 1911. Helotes became part of the Northside Rural School District during World War II.  The current Helotes Elementary School, part of the Northside Independent School District, opened its doors in 1950.  KNRG Architects was involved in a renovation, relocation and an addition to the current campus.  Four existing classrooms were renovated to relocate the existing library.  The new library area was designed with a story book themed dog house in honor of the school mascot, “Buddy the Bulldog,” to encourage students to read and to explore their imaginations.  The existing library area was modified to create two new classrooms.  Finally, a new, approximately 2,225 sq. ft. addition created two new classrooms.  KNRG accommodated for the existing space and a short construction schedule to complete the projects on time and meeting the budget allowing students and teachers to return to class with no interruptions.

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